“SHUT UP and sleep”
by Anil Rama, MD
for those whose days are dark and nights are bright
"SHUT UP and sleep" is a unique, non-fiction, health based on the premise that breathing is the foundation of sleep. With symptoms told through stories, fables, poems, dialogue, imagery, and letters, the book takes the reader on a journey toward better sleep. Readers will emotionally resonate with the symptoms while organically learning complex medical, surgical, and dental information. A checklist connects the seemingly disparate symptoms and also serves as a template for the reader to share with their physician. Out of every ten people on Earth, eight partially breathe through their mouth. The lessons in the book can benefit the sleep and health of these individuals. With all due respect, now shut up and read.

Sleep-disordered breathing and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome touch up to 15% of the pediatric population - a large number of families. Such syndromes are still poorly recognized despite the heavy toll that such syndromes take on the daily life of a child. This very well-done short book, written by a very knowledgeable specialist who deals with syndromes on a daily basis, brings very easily understood information to the entire families of children affected by such problems. SHUT UP and Sleep is a masterpiece of nonfiction that brilliantly blends art with science for a beautiful result: sleep. This is a highly recommended reading to anybody involved with such syndromes.
— Christian Guilleminault DM, MD, DBiol